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Prayer Focus


Our Mission Statement at Kingsland is, “Inviting all people to experience true fulfillment in Jesus Christ, one home at a time.”  We do this by engaging in 4 domains in our lives beginning with our own hearts.  We start with our own hearts because every other domain is impacted by what flows from our own hearts.

  • The main practice in the Heart Domain is REST.
  • REST means to stop striving and performing for God’s approval and acceptance.
  • REST means that we stop trying to change ourselves, our lives and others apart from God.
  • REST means that we receive from God His salvation, His healing and His freedom for our lives.
  • REST is living from our identity in Christ as God’s sons and daughters.

Confession & Thanksgiving 

  • Take a moment and confess your need for God. Simply tell God that you need Him and ask Him to help you seek Him, receive from Him and rest in Him. 
  • What are you grateful for that God has done in your life?  What do you love about God?  Take a moment to thank God and tell Him what you love about Him. 
  • Ask God to show you what sins you need to confess to Him. God’s Word tells us that, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) 
  • Once you confess any sins to God, thank God for forgiving you. Ask God to cleanse your heart and mind of the sin and to set you free from the power of those sins. 


  • What are the burdens you are carrying that need to be released to Jesus?
  • Ask God to show you what you are trying to accomplish or figure out on your own. What are you walking through today that is creating worry, anxiety and fear? 
  • Take a few minutes and ask God to help you receive His REST as you surrender burdens, fears and control of your life to Him. Ask God to help you trust Him with your whole heart. 

Extended Surrender

  • Meditate (read slowly and ask the Spirit to speak to your heart through this Scripture).  “Casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7). 
  • What is God saying to your heart through this verse? Ask God to speak to your heart and bring this question to your Father: “God, what are you saying to me through this verse?” 
  • Spend a few moments thanking God for His desire and plan to reveal Himself to you as you seek Him. 
  • Ask God to speak to your heart and show you what cares (anything that you are anxious about) that you need to cast to God (give to Him) so that your heart is not carrying it. 
  • As God’s son/daughter, your Father knows the burdens, fears and pain that feel too heavy to give to Him.  Take time to tell God how you feel. Be honest with your Father and don’t hold anything back from Him. You may want to journal your thoughts and feelings, which is so helpful to our hearts.
  • Close this time of prayer with God by thanking Him for His power, His faithfulness, His provision, His love, His goodness in your life and asking God to give you a passion for Him and His Kingdom. 


The Home Domain is the area of our lives that has the potential to have the greatest blessings or the most pain in our lives. Most homes have a mixture of both blessings and pain but Jesus desires to heal our families and redeem our pain.  We can pray for the Spirit to empower us to make our homes a place where we can bless one another, reflect God’s image to one another and as parents, train our children to love and follow Jesus. 

The Home is also the primary place where the enemy attacks to bring strife, division, heartache and curses instead of blessings. The enemy works in strategic ways to destroy families because families that are healthy and Christ-centered reflect God’s image, are a light to the world and blesses God’s heart. God designed the family to reflect His image and His plan is for families to be the primary place we experience the Gospel. 

PRAYER:   Father, thank you that I am your son/daughter and I have been adopted into your family.  You are a perfect, loving, kind, good Father to me. Thank you for knowing where I have hurt and pain in my family. You know the spiritual battles that we are facing as a family. You know where we have strife, disappointment and struggles. You know the generational pain, sin and bondage in our family’s line. God, I need you to teach me to pray for my family. I need you to teach me to fight for my family through praying spiritual warfare prayers. Lord, teach me to pray. Give me passion and determination to pray and keep on praying.  Give me faith to believe your Word over what the enemy says about my family.   

Where the enemy has a hold of anyone in my family, I ask you to deliver him/her. I bind the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ and ask you to set him/her free from his grip. Lord, set my family free and heal our hearts. Let it begin with me. Show me where I’ve hurt my family and sinned against my family. Give me your eyes to see my family, your heart to love my family and your grace to serve my family.  Work in the hearts of every person in my family that leads to freedom and transformation. I am crying out to you for my family and proclaiming that you are Lord over my family. We are yours and for your glory. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

  • Pray for our homes to be a place where we experience God’s love, truth and grace in a way that transforms our hearts and homes. 
  • Pray that we rely on the Spirit to bless and encourage one another daily. 
  • Pray for healing in families and for God to restore hearts to Him and to one another. 
  • Pray that our homes are filled with the peace and joy that Jesus offers us. 
  • Pray for those who are walking through various painful trials to be strengthened by the grace of Jesus. 
  • Pray for protection over every family at Kingsland – spiritual, emotional and physical protection. 
  • Pray that we recognize the importance of praying for one another and commit to praying for each other daily.  
  • Pray that God gives us increased wisdom and discernment in guarding our hearts and homes. 


  • Live the Habits. Pray that our church family would embrace the joy of walking in step with the Spirit in everyday life in such a way that there is no drudgery or guilt, but freedom and rhythm.  
  • Engage the men. Pray that our men might be the catalyst for passionately walking with the Lord in our homes.  
  • Advance our Financial Goals. Specifically, pray the Lord would provide for us to move closer to our Phase II of North Katy even while we move forward on some important priorities in our ministry (in other words, that we would not have to choose). 
  • Promote the Disabled. Pray that God would provide for a massive expansion in our Special Needs Ministry in the coming year, including the possibility of a new building for that purpose. 
  • Pray for spiritual protection over Kingsland and all the families who are a part of Kingsland. 
  • Pray for the Spirit to be poured out each time we gather for Worship and Community. 
  • Pray for our small groups and classes to be Spirit-led and a place where we experience authentic community and grow in our relationship with God and one another. 
  • Pray for our Worship Services on campus and online to reach people with the Gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

We gather together for the purpose of growing in our relationship with God and with one another so that we can experience true fulfillment in Jesus Christ!   We gather to Worship, experience Spirit-led community with others, study Scripture and serve using our spiritual gifts. 

  • Pray for Spirit-led worship and Spirit-led Community in every area of ministry. 
  • Pray for God to work in every ministry in a way that brings Him the most glory. 
  • Pray for a spirit of humility and unity in our staff, leaders and church body. 
  • Pray that God gives us a passion for prayer and that we learn to pray boldly for one another, our homes, church and community. 
  • Pray for protection from the enemy and for the enemy’s plans to be thwarted.
  •  Pray for all of our staff, leaders and volunteers to serve with grace, wisdom from the Spirit and from a place of humility. 
  • Pray that homes are transformed by the power of the Gospel. 


The Beyond Domain means that we “go beyond” to reach people with the Gospel. We are all called to share the Gospel with others, tell others what God has done in our lives (share our story) and be a light in the world by serving others.  

  • Pray for the lost in our community. Pray for people in West Houston to be set free from anything that is hindering them from seeing the truth of the Gospel. Pray for hearts to be open to receiving the gift of salvation though a relationship with Jesus Christ. 
  • Pray for the Spirit to lead us and empower us to pray for our neighbors.  
  • Pray for God to give us His heart for the lost and provide opportunities for us to show His love to those in the West Houston area. 
  • Pray for the Spirit to lead us and empower us to share our story and for God to provide opportunities for us to share the hope of the Gospel. 
  • Pray for our engagement with 18 unreached people groups and the safety of our respective partners among those groups. 
  • Pray for our work with our partners throughout the greater Houston area and that many would come to faith in Christ through these partnerships. Pray for our initiatives to reach the nations among us. 
  • Pray for those we will be serving, that they see the love of Jesus and their hearts are touched by the Lord. 
  • Pray for local ministry partners: The Hangar in Brookshire, Clothed by Faith, Hope Impacts and Pregnancy Help Center. 
  • Pray that our church family would continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community and beyond.