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Praise Stories

Share stories of God working in your life.

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“One generation will declare your works to the next and will proclaim your mighty acts. I will speak of your splendor and glorious majesty and your wondrous works.”
–Psalm 145:4-5

Katie Popplewell

Praise report on Helen Rhue:

Open heart surgery was successful and she is home recovering. All praise to King Jesus.

Received: February 11, 2025

Gazala Bownds

Praise God! I went to the doctor yesterday and gave me the all clear!

Scheduled a colonoscopy for February 26 as my screening.

Thank you to all who prayed!

Received: January 29, 2025

L Clawson

Update- I had my hernia repair surgery a week ago today. I am doing so well, haven’t been in pain at all, no pain meds after the first night in the hospital. I do have to be on a soft food diet for another 3 weeks, but it hasn’t been so bad. I haven’t been that hungry. Thanks for your prayers!

Received: January 21, 2025


Update on my great nephew, Kainen Bilbo. Praise God that his thyroid cancer is treatable through surgery (removing the thyroid and some lymph nodes.) Thank you to all that have prayed for Kainen, as our prayer that his last semester in college will not be interrupted has been graciously answered by our Father. We are beyond thankful that he will not have to endure chemo or radiology treatments.

Received: January 17, 2025

Carol Leaf (member) for Diane Baker

My friend Diane, who is currently undergoing chemo treatments, asked us to pray for her as she had been challenged by an ongoing respiratory infection for which she had to take antibiotics for months which was not completely healing the infection; the antibiotics also started to cause her problems in her stomach.

Diane reported to me that after about two weeks of us praying for her she feels and IS so much better, she said her stomach is not bothering her anymore and from my conversation with her recently, 1/14/25, no more respiratory infection!

She wanted me to tell you how encouraging the prayer emails that she received benefited her, that knowing someone has been praying for her really encouraged her and lifted her spirits!

Because of the Kingsland Prayer Wall and receipt of the daily emails, it uplifted her so much, that she (a non-Kingsland member) goes out to our prayer wall and reads the Prayer Requests that are on the Kingsland Prayer Wall and prays for the needs of others! Hallelujah Kingsland Baptist, you are light!

Thank you again for praying for my friend!

Carol Leaf

Received: January 15, 2025

Cheryl Glasser

Praise report: My hysterectomy on Dec. 12 went smoothly and all biopsies are benign. Recovery is slow, but steady. Doctor is pleased with my progress.

Received: December 31, 2024

Carol for sister Suzette

My sister Suzette was in the hospital, she has been under treatment for cancer, her hospital stay was related to intestinal difficulties due to a tumor in her abdomen. Suzette has been under chemo treatment for the last four months and the doctors did not plan on removing the tumor, but using the chemo to remove it.

While in the hospital, my sister and I prayed that the cancer be uprooted and cast out, neither of us knowing that we had both prayed the same. The surgery the doctor;'s were to perform was to do a redirect of her colon because the tumor was preventing her from digesting food and receiving nutrients. After surgery, the doctor told Suzette, "very good news, we were able to remove the ENTIRE tumor and only a small redirect of the intestine had to be done!!" God answered our prayers and "Cast out that tumor - through surgery! Hallelujah!"

Now my sister needs to see her specialists regarding the remaining spots of cancer, which we are in 100% agreement and faith that she is Healed by His Stripes!

Thank you for praying

Carol Leaf - member

Received: December 25, 2024

This prayer has been answered!

Margaret Korver

Praise God with us, our newest grandson has been released from his 12 day hospital stay for RSV! Please continue to pray for good health.

Received: December 18, 2024

This prayer has been answered!


Hi, I had written in and asked for prayer for mercy and a miracle!

and you have prayed! and God has answered! Praise God!

Wanted to share the good news with you! My Christmas

miracle, a little early! 🙂 To God be the glory!!

Thanks again for praying!! I am humble and grateful!!

Merry Christmas!

Received: December 6, 2024


My sibling Calvin had his left lower leg amputated Monday, due to several, severe wounds to the bones and blood flow difficulties. He is thriving, feeling good after medical care being received at VA Hospital. His pain is now surgical. He is not giving up and wants to get well enough to go home.

Received: December 1, 2024


I asked for prayer for my son Julian's grandmother who went to Hospital about a week& a half ago I posted that she is 93 but found out she is 99. She made him back home. Thanks for praying for her.

Received: November 29, 2024

Nancy Wilbanks

PRAISE: Surgery is over and Ray is doing well. He will be in recovery for a couple of hours. The Dr. said he’s very pleased. They only did 3 of the blockages. The one behind his heart the artery was too small.He said Ray shouldn’t have any problems from it. He did say that Rays heart is strong but that he could tell he’d had a minor heart attack before. I don’t know when that would have been. Our next move will be up to the ICU.

Received: November 19, 2024


Praise our Enthroned LORD for having turned many to Himself.

Received: November 11, 2024


Praise that as we cry out to Jesus to drop the scales off our eyes to see Him and ask Him for what truly matters, He hears us.

Received: November 5, 2024

Gilpen Gray

Praise: My brother in law, Roy Houck, suddenly needed triple by pass on October 29, 2024; the 5 hour surgery was a success. However, he has had some post operation issues i.e. staying awake and pain, in ICU and into a recovery room and back in ICU. Currently, he is doing okay; family is having to make major adjustments but we are thankful.

Received: November 4, 2024


Praise report about neighbor playing music loud. The police told her that she couldn't. The next day she was going to office to pay rent when another neighbor was coming outside with his dog. I was going to office at same time and as I heard her say the dog bit at her,I asked if she was o.k. I apologized to her and asked her not to hate me but I am sensitive to noise. I know it was the spirit of God in me. Her son's were playing in parking lot a week later and I told them to be careful because people drive fast through parking lot. I love people but I know that God is a God of accountability also. Haven't heard any loud music! Police rides through here every once in a while

Received: October 7, 2024

Jody Gular

This is a prayed report. Our granddaughter was released from TIRR and his back at Katy high school . She is continuing outpatient physical and occupational therapy and she’s coming along very well. She still has double vision. Please pray that that will heal by itself. Thank you for faithful prayers, Church.

Received: October 3, 2024

Carolyn Woodard

My grandson Ethan has finally come home to my son’s house. He is very quiet right now. I be pray this continues and he seeks the Lord’s guidance. I pray the trauma of his injury was a wake up call. Ethan knows Jesus.

Received: September 29, 2024

Juanita Loftin

Brother Calvin healed over night once admitted to Baptist in Beaumont of septic by Jesus.

Received: September 25, 2024


Waller county officer Mom is with the Lord.

Received: September 17, 2024

Jody Gular and Fred Gular

Our grand daughter Hayley Grace Gular age 16 was released from TIRR on Friday. She begins her outpatient physical therapy, speech, and Occupational therapy in a week. She is doing well but still has double vision persisting. It’s been an amazing 6 weeks and God has so faithfully healed her injuries and is restoring her in all ways. Thanks church for your prayers and concern in all this.

Received: September 8, 2024

Jody Gular

Praising God for his merciful kindness to my grand daughter Hayley Gular for sparing her life. The car accident in Katy was July 29 , 2024. She was in the back seat of the car and two girlfriends in front seats when a fast moving Ram truck t-boned them when he failed to stop. After several hours at Katy Memorial Hermann, she was then life flighted to Medical Center Memorial Hermann trauma unit for several weeks. Hayley was then transferred to TIRR. She is recovering well and broken bones healing up . They expect to send her home 9/6/24 and she’ll continue outpatient physical and occupational

therapy in Sugar Land. She is hoping to return to Katy High School in a couple months. Prayer needed for lingering double vision from head injury, left arm and leg still weak but she is able to get up and down from bed to chair or wheel chair and uses a walker. Thanks for all the faithful prayers. She told me yesterday that her faith in Jesus has grown and that she knew He was by her side thru all this. Jody

Received: September 2, 2024

Jack OBrien

I am blessed to report that my prayer request for Kari and her post surgery challenges have turned a corner. She came home from the hospital last week and has been much improved. We are thankful to God for His provision, and for all our prayer warriors coming around her and our family!

Received: September 1, 2024

Nicolas Escobedo

I’ve been employed at Friends ice cream and coffee at Kingsland Baptist Church for 3 months now and I’ve witnessed and experienced just how much God has done through me in this ministry and I’ve really grown in this place and within our special needs ministry and I couldn’t be more proud! And now I’m becoming manager of Friends ice cream and coffee and that’s an even bigger blessing that I never would’ve known or seen myself at in my life! God is continuing to do great things through me here at Kingsland and at friends ice cream and coffee and I couldn’t be more grateful and thankful! TYJ

Received: August 25, 2024

This prayer has been answered!


Praise Report

God answered my prayers for June 13,2024.

Received: August 22, 2024

Brenda Billingsley

I'm in Katy because my nephew had a double lung transplant in Houston

social worker found us this beautiful place to stay in Katy. God is good he's doing so well.

My mother's 93. She's having a few health issues. We're from baton rouge Louisiana. I would like to ask for prayers for her health.

My grandson is autistic. He needs help so he can attend school. we're looking for a therapist to help him. I'm also asking for prayers for him.

I lost my job coming to Houston to be with my nephew. I'm not going to say I have nothing because I do feel blessed and I feel guilty for being depressed. I'm asking for prayers for myself.

Received: August 14, 2024

Jody Gular

Earlier today I asked for prayer regarding my grand daughter getting favorites for therapy at TIRR, just this afternoon it was accepted. She will be transferrrd there tomorrow to begin PT, OT, etc from injuries in the car crash 7/37/24

Received: August 7, 2024


My brother Calvin is talking again. He is still in need of Salvation.

Received: August 6, 2024

Katie Popplewell

Praise report on Mia my sister’s granddaughter. She is much improved and home. It’s walking pneumonia which with her compromised lungs is very serious.

Please continue to pray for her healing and parents, John and Caroline, as they are frequently in the ER with any number of issues.

A big big thank you to our great God and you wonderful prayer warriors.

Received: July 26, 2024

jody Gular

I’ve been so touched by the faithful prayer of the prayer warriors at KBC, my broken arm appears to be healing well and I should begin physical therapy in another week. I am still not driving and it’s still very challenging to do anything with one arm, but we’re getting closer. Thank you for the prayers for my husband as he’s been the one doing all the major work around here and we feel like we’ll never catch up but he’s getting things done that need to be and we’re ignoring what can’t get done and just trying to keep each other healthy so that no one else gets injured. Thank you for praying. I am very grateful for everybody. Praying so faithfully for us

Jody and Fred Gular.

Received: July 19, 2024

Robert Cates

What a blessing it is to be part of a church family that prays together! I cannot thank you enough for the prayers you offered for my wife Aletha. God has heard our prayers and He has worked a wonderful recovery in her.

Less than a week ago, Aletha was unconscious, in intensive care and extremely ill.

Now, she is home, improving more each day and nearly her old self again. Although she was in North Texas when the incident occurred visiting her mother, it became clear that God had her just where she needed to be. Even her primary nurse in ICU told me, "I prayed for Aletha last night". Others offered similar encouragement. How comforting to know that those who cared for her were seeking the Lord as well.

She still has a little way to go, but she is nearly there. Our God is so good!

We sought the Lord and He heard and He answered!

Thank you family!

Received: July 18, 2024

Katie Popplewell

Thank you for your wonderful prayers. Austin&Katie signed a lease for a rental that has met their needs. Praise Jesus.

Received: July 15, 2024

Eileen Stadtlander

All PRAISE to Jehovah Rapha! Ron's tests and recent results plus doctor consultation revealed increased heart functionality so no decision needed for intervention surgery. Thank you for all who have prayed and encouraged us during these last 4 months! God hears and answers in amazing and wonderful ways!

Received: June 20, 2024

Amy Borders

First, thank you all so much for your prayers over the last week. They were felt and appreciated.

My father-in-law, John, is home from the hospital. He's on a very regimented 3 week course of strong antibiotics, but he's feeling better than he has in a long time. He does have to follow up with some doctors as they believe the source of the infection is a previous surgical site. Overall, he's doing very well and we are thankful.

My mom, Margaret, is also home from the hospital. They never did exactly figure out the source of her pain, but were able to riule out some things. She's had Parkinson's for more than 25 years and also has several other health problems so it's difficult. She has home health coming out with physical therapy and nurse services. Pray that she continues to get stronger so she can get to outpatient doctors she needs to see. Praise that she's sleeping better as that was a huge problem and contributing to her problems.

Received: May 28, 2024


Praise report from Feb.22. My spirit daughter will have custody of her girls and visitation with boys. Her ex no longer harassing her. Her prayer was prayed over 91 times so please take it down

Received: May 5, 2024

Carol Leaf for Eileen and Ron Stadtlander

From Carol Leaf for Eileen and Ron Stadlander:

Eileen texted me today and wanted to share a praise report regarding her husband Ron.

The prayer team has been praying for both Ron and Eileen's health. Today, it has been reported that Ron's angiogram came back clear, there are no blockages!

Thank you Kingsland Prayer Team!

Received: May 2, 2024


Praise Jesus for giving back my adult son use of his body’s right side , allowing him to speak with clarity and able to be understood. Praise He removed the facial droop , and uncontrollably drooling from mouth. Hope and waiting for full use of fingers/hand and function of right leg with no limp. Praise You Lord !

Received: April 16, 2024

Lisa Clawson

I had a biopsy done on a nodule on my thyroid and it was negative, no cancer!

Received: April 12, 2024


Hello. I requested prayer for my daughter's leg, Vivian C-K. We went to the dr today for an update & it is healing properly. They gave her a walking boot & she is walking, again. Amen. Thank you God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you all so much for your prayers. God bless you all! 🙂

Received: March 25, 2024

Lisa Clawson

Our 10 year old granddaughter Emma had her tonsils out on March 6. It was rough, but today she is so much better. Thanks for the prayers!

Received: March 15, 2024

Lisa Clawson

My sister in law's younger sister Cammi, 47 was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer. She had a mass on her kidney the size of an apple that was removed along with her kidney Dec. 26. Today she received her report of a Pet Scan done and it showed no cancer! They were concerned about a nodule on her lung. She has an appt. at MD Anderson in February for a 2nd opinion. We believe this was a miracle, thank you for your prayers!

Received: January 26, 2024

Carol for Linda Nolty

Linda's uncle (who has Alzheimer's and wandered out of the house) has been found. He is being treated at the hospital, he was slightly grazed by a car. He is okay! Thank you for your prayers!

Carol Leaf on behalf of Linda Nolty

Received: December 31, 2023

liliana durand

In the summer, my husband has had many health issues; as his wife, I was so worried about him, and I came to post on the "Prayer Wall" during those days and it was so comforting to see how Kingsland Family was praying for him. God's grace is the only reason he is healthy today after the bacterial infection subsided, the scary surgery went well, and he has recovered from the surgery. Thank you for all your prayers, Kingsland Family

Received: November 14, 2023

Carol for Liz

Praise God that Liz is thyroid cancer free!

She is currently on medication for the function of her thyroid, but free of cancer treatments.

Thank you for praying for her!

Received: November 7, 2023


Thank you to everyone who’s been praying for my ankle pain. It may take several weeks of healing, but I am so much better than I was and I am so thankful to God that I can stand and walk shorter distances! So very thankful to Him and my sisters and brothers praying for me!

Received: November 2, 2023

Amy Causey

Kaitlyn's wallet/money/Visa card/car key/dorm key/license was altogether, misplaced 2 weeks ago and returned!!! Good Godly students at her college.

Received: October 30, 2023


I would like to shout out praise to our mighty God. My daughter just reached 2 years of sobriety! She is in training to become a substance abuse counselor and has returned to her faith. Please pray for all who are struggling with addiction. It is a horrible disease but there is hope!

Received: September 17, 2023


Thank you for your prayers for my best friend Joanna. She had breast cancer and a double mastectomy. She did not have to have any chemo treatments and is doing great!

Received: September 13, 2023


Thank you for praying for my nephew Makana! Praise God that his health has improved and he was released home yesterday (September 8)!

Received: September 9, 2023

Gilpen Gray

As of September 1, I have been officially declared cancer free, Many thanks to all of you prayer warriors.

Received: September 6, 2023


I have several prayer request that have been answered. They are at my son Julian car is running and he has been able to make payments. Prayer request was from March. I asked for prayer in same month dealing with manager not doing job where we live. She is no longer here as of June 5. My son Terrence has new job& his abscess is healed.

Received: August 11, 2023

Stacy McCloskey

Thank you to everyone that prayed for my Mother-in-law, Jackie. She passed out and hit her head on my Sister-in-law’s garage floor. She was admitted to the hospital and then the rehab hospital. She has made a FULL recovery. We just moved her to a retirement community and she is living her best life. Thank you so much for lifting her up in prayer. God lead the way!

Received: August 7, 2023


Praise The Lord! This morning I met with my wife, my brother, and my brother's wife to talk about getting my mom's house ready to sell after her passing away. It was a step in the right direction. It has been something that has been burdening me for weeks and it happened today. It was really the first step in the process, but it made me feel like it is a start. I don't want the burden of having to keep up with my mom's house and paying for the upkeep on it. I felt like my wife, brother, and his wife were super supportive and are all working in the same direction. Praise the Lord for the progress. I pray and hope for many more meetings like this as we chip away at the process. Thank you, Lord.

Received: August 6, 2023

Melissa Dunegan

Still waiting on a blessing and god’s will for passing a test he gave me.

Received: July 29, 2023

Melissa Dunegan

My sisters twins got saved at VBS. Praise Jesus

Received: July 29, 2023


I just want to praise God for His answered prayers!

I got tears in my eyes yesterday and was filled with emotion as I read how the “important test” was passed, after praying with this brother or sister in Christ for months about this upcoming test (as listed on the prayer wall).

Thrilling to hear of Shelly’s salvation and God’s presence during surgeries… and all God is doing in the lives of His people.

Received: July 26, 2023

Gazala Bownds

Praise God for his answering prayer! Dwana’s surgery went just has planned and she is in recovery. Please continue to pray as she heals and the Doctor gives next steps.

Received: July 25, 2023


You guys prayed for my test that I had to take today. I passed! The test was only pass or fail. Thank God that is over. Also, I am sober, drug free, porn free, and so many other things that Jesus has delivered me from. I am grateful for a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my belly. Glad that I have a job, health, good car, clean water, peace of mind, friends, freedom, and the list could go on forever. God has been SOOOOO good to me. Thanks again for praying.

Received: July 24, 2023


We are still praying for healing for Shelly who has ovarian cancer. The chemo has stopped because it was not working, BUT…..Shelly prayed to receive Christ as her Lord and Savior June 27th!!!!!!! Praise be to God!!!!!

Received: July 8, 2023

Holly Meredith

I need to share an update on Logan, a member of our Special Needs Community. He is showing tremendous improvement. He currently receives intensive treatment and therapy at the TIRR rehab facility. They are fitting him for a wheelchair and hoping he can transfer back to Tyler, where the family has just moved to, as soon as June 23! His parents are so grateful for all the prayer on their behalf and have leaned on our merciful Father for strength and endurance. Glory to God who is AMAZING!!

Received: June 20, 2023


God is good! And I am so grateful to you guys!

We got offered a new home we can afford 2 months before being evicted! (We didn't expect it to come in this way at all. Our name somehow got passed to some developers of a new neighborhood and we got an offer for one of the properties today :))

Also, I got a 93% on my exams!

One more portion of the prayer is yet to be answered and that is finding good work that pays well and honors the Lord!

Thank you everyone that prayed for our family.

Please keep us in your prayers and we will do the same for you.

God Bless you all.

Received: June 14, 2023

This prayer has been answered!

Nancy Wilbanks

Thank you prayer warriors! My sister is slowly seeing improvement in her health and she acknowledges it’s due to the prayers of the saints! Keep praying!

Received: June 14, 2023

This prayer has been answered!


Praise be to God I was able to spend time alone with my grandson. We attended the Cycles & Cypher event at the Hangar in Brookshire. TJ enjoyed himself, met other kids & was dancing to Christian music.

Received: June 11, 2023

Mike Alcott

Thank you for the message today. That we have:

1. The blessings of LIKENESS.

2. The challenge of LEGACY

3. The hope of RESTORATION.

It has given me hope that my blessings are 1,000 times stronger than any generational curse that I may have incurred.

Please Lord restore my image to the original image, so that I may leave a legacy of God’s principles, so that we can restore God’s works that he made, not the inventions that man made. May we use our tools and gifts and talents to restore God’s intent for us.

Amen. Thank you Pastor Ryan and the whole Kingsland church for leading by example. We appreciate you.

Received: June 11, 2023

Michael Alcott

Thank you all for praying for me and my family. I just got out of surgery which repaired my right meniscus. All went well. Well, so far so good. I feel like this recovery will be quick and easy. I was anxious about having it done since I just did my left meniscus 6 weeks ago. Being a tennis pro/instructor it is my livelihood. All is well and I am on the road to recovery. Thank you all for your prayers. As my journey continues The Lord will be the lamp to my feet. I ask Him to guide my way. May my story be His Glory. I pray that God steals my show. He can have the spotlight. Amen.

Received: May 31, 2023


Jesus moved Son Junior Charlie right arm today in rehab. As he ‘do’ what Jesus speak who to ask forgiveness he is healing him

and providing him with good therapy sessions to be able to get in and out of vehicles

Received: May 25, 2023


Praise be to Jehovah Rapha.My sons car is fixed. He. Just needed new battery and not alternator.

Received: May 19, 2023


Praise God My noisy neighbors have moved& My hours at work picked up.

Received: May 19, 2023


My son paid his car payment which is good. His car has been giving him trouble since he got it. Please pray that he can get issue resolved. Think he needs alternator replaced.He is so frustrated.

Received: May 2, 2023


Praise report for my friend and family. On March asked for prayer that her and family be healed. They have been sick off and on since Co-vid while living right behind church. They moved to Arkansas and had still been sick off& on. I told her to bind spirit of infirmity. They are all well. 4 kids,her and husband

Received: April 21, 2023

Lisa Clawson

I asked for prayer for my best friend Joanna. She had breast cancer and 2 surgeries. Thank you for your prayers, she is recovering nicely from her surgery on Monday and doing great!

Received: April 6, 2023

Renee G

I recently submitted a prayer request asking for prayer for my brother to want to go to recovery for alcoholism. I also asked for prayer for my mom and me to stay strong during the intervention process. I want to report that my brother agreed to go to recovery! Praise GOD! I also want to say thank you to those who prayed for us. I received a notification that someone happened to be praying as we were driving to the center to do the intervention and actually when the intervention was happening! Now my request is that my brother wholeheartedly work the recovery program as well as my mom and I work the Al Anon program so we can better support him and heal ourselves.

Received: March 22, 2023


Thank you for those who prayed for me. I have been feeling heavy for a while, the joy finally returned.

May God bless righteous man!

Received: March 6, 2023


Kingsland Baptist Church. I wanted to thank you for your prayers and your prayer warriors of your church. My granddaughter got to come home after being in ICU 30 days. God bless you thank you for the prayer ministry we appreciate reaching out to a brother family in Christ in another state again God bless you

Received: February 28, 2023


Our sweet 6 years old neighbor was discharged from Texas Children Hospital last night. He had a severe blood infection. He has been in for almost a month. Almost lost him.. The bacteria collected in his left knee and had to have knee surgery. He had a mri yesterday morn and head, spine and knee was clear of infection. Will have to have PT everyday for his legs start working again. He has survived 5 open heart surgeries since birth. God is our Great Physician..

Received: February 26, 2023

Katie Popplewell

Thank you for praying for our son Ty. His second Achilles surgery went very well they did not need to reinforce the tendon. He is humbled by your prayers.

Received: February 21, 2023


Praise report Bennie Hobbs is better and at home from Pastor Calvin at First Baptist of Brookshire.

Received: February 20, 2023

Juanita Loftin

Praise - camper furnace operating/heating ,providing warmth, first time since living in it- Oct 2020. 10 attempt repairs and now new one.

Received: February 12, 2023

Katie Popplewell


Nephew Bob and wife Ashley are expecting. Glory to God as she has struggled with infertility for years. Please pray for a healthy baby boy.

Thank you for lifting them before the Throne of Grace.

Received: February 7, 2023

Lisa Clawson

I had asked for prayer for my best friend Joanna who has breast cancer. She had surgery in December and just got a clean report from her doctor. She will have another surgery in March, but all looks good, no chemo or radiation. Thank you for your prayers.

Received: January 4, 2023


Praise- Jesus closed door to facility to my very young teen neighbor past Monday. He truly loves and have better place for her.

Received: December 10, 2022

Carol regarding Bob

A few weeks back, I submitted a prayer request for Bob who just recently learned that he has non-hodgkin's lymphoma; he started his treatments and just after PRAYER and two treatments, the doctors cannot find anymore signs of cancer. Bob will complete his treatments, 4 more to go to make certain all cancer, if some is "hiding" has been removed.

Thank you for your prayers ️!


Received: December 10, 2022


Jesus gave 13 yrs old girl placement at Shiloh facility Friday. parents drove her there today.

Received: December 5, 2022

Carter Moore

The Prayer Requests for our family have been answered in many ways. Jan's Mom is doing much better and returned home from the Hospital in Girard, yesterday. She is now getting support at home for PT and OT in addition to Home Healthcare. Jan is also feeling much better. Jenifer has an appointment with a hand surgeon scheduled for next Monday and my sister is getting some help in caring for our Mom from a former caregiver who was able to return. Thanks for all the prayers they definitely helped.

Received: November 23, 2022

Gazala Bownds

Praise God for his mercy and healing power! Mr. Bennie is home after 4 surgeries and rehab.

Please continue to pray that he no longer needs dialysis and his strength will return fully. He just celebrated his 79th birthday!

God is good and faithful!

Thank you all for praying for this sweet man!

Received: November 15, 2022

Cherie Woolley

I am so grateful to God that I was able to come to worship and Community Group both yesterday at Kingsland for the first time since my two surgeries on my back a couple of months ago. Needed my Kleenex for sure! I recently had a fusion from T-10 all the way to my pelvis. I feel like this was a major step forward! I am so grateful for all the people who have and continue to pray for me and my husband, Joe!

Received: November 14, 2022

Jennifer DiMichele

PRAISE REPORT: Thank you for praying for my cousin Amy who is recovering from breast cancer and awaiting her radiation treatments. She went to the doctor today to start her radiation treatments and she had to be re-scanned. They said that the seroma had shrunk so much that the measurements they took a couple of weeks ago were wrong (you all started praying a few days after that :D). They had to go back and develop a new treatment plan to radiate a smaller area so her radiation will begin next Monday. Thank you all! I'll keep you updated.

Received: October 24, 2022

Gazala Bownds

Praise Him who is able!!!

Update the breathing tube is out and he is breathing on his own! He is on the road to recovery! He does have a blood clot in his leg but they will be doing something to help with that. No more surgeries and he is doing better

Thank you all for praying for this precious man!

Received: October 22, 2022


My granddaughter Camille pasted the Massachusetts Bar exam first time taking them. She was notified today. Praise Jesus for doing this through /it for her!!!

Received: October 21, 2022

Donna Young

Answered prayer request!

I asked for prayer after loosing my job 2 weeks ago. I accepted a great position today with full benefits and paid time off. God is continuously faithful!

Received: September 30, 2022

Kathy Kelly

Many at Kingsland have been praying for Jen and Byron since Jen was diagnosed with brain cancer in January. Jen is so grateful and her walk with Christ has deepened during this time. With her permission I am sharing a recent post of hers, praising God for His work:

Hello everyone,

I frequently praise God and talk to Byron about how blessed I am to have so many faithful prayer warriors!

Through the valleys and mountains since being diagnosed in January, God has sustained us and provided for us. We have seen Him move mountains and we expect to see Him move more.

I can’t express how grateful I am to God for revealing to me more of His character every day! He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternally faithful, and immeasurably good. He gives me undeserved grace and blessings daily and could not love me more.

I am humbled and energized and encouraged by all of you, your prayers, and your sacrificial love! What a demonstration of God’s provision!

I have made miraculous progress and I am grateful for my mobility and that I am regaining independence. Byron is still my medication manager, chauffer, appointment manager, caregiver and my comedian. He makes me laugh every day.

When I am prone to turn my victories into failures because I compare what I used to do with what I do now, I ask God to redirect my thinking toward His character. I ask God to help me depend on Him with a childlike 100% dependency. He is faithful to me from the rising to setting sun and His plan is better than anything I could imagine!

When I go down a path of guilt for the heartache over my diagnosis to others, I remember that God is sustaining my family and friends too!

I love you all!


Received: September 18, 2022


Praise! West lake RV Resort Park “Back to School Ice Cream Event “ down to him holding rain and extreme high temp back from 3:30 - 6:30 PM was amazing. HE showed up and off.

Received: August 28, 2022


Good news at the eye specialist! The bleeder is dormant so no shot. Will go back beginning of November. Thank you all for your prayers!

Received: August 16, 2022

Frances Perkins

On behalf of the family of Sharon Rogers, who had previously been placed on the Kingsland Prayer Wall, I would like to praise God for bringing her into His Kingdom on August 7, 2022. The family's prayer had been that Sharon (Granny) would not have to suffer long, and that her family would be able to love on her through her passing. Both of these prayers were answered, and now I ask for prayers for the family as they prepare to say goodbye for now to their precious mother and grandmother.

Received: August 8, 2022

Lisa Rockwell

Thank you to everyone who prayed for my mom, Mary, who was having surgery last week. She is a citizen of heaven and has gone to be with our King.

Received: August 8, 2022


I've really learned the power of prayer through this prayer wall. Praise God we found a home, and he provides exactly what we needed, exactly by the time asked. He didn't have to, but He did. Thank you all for praying!! God is real.

Received: August 7, 2022


Praise report for Lisa's nephew who is newborn with pulmonary issues. He is home& so please take prayer down! Thanks Jehovah Rapha

Received: July 17, 2022


Jesus has provided July Pad payment to RV neighbor .

Received: July 12, 2022


Report good news about Lisa's nephew. Newborn is getting better and will be going home.

Received: July 3, 2022

Helen Lovelady

A month ago I submitted a prayer request for an 18yr old lad, who had been knocked down at 70mph. Incredibly he has woken up from his coma and is now in rehab. Thank you to each one of you for praying, I have messaged his mum over this month, to let her know, people are praying from the other side of the world! (We’re in Scotland) You’ve been a great encouragement! Please continue to pray that God will be given the glory in all of this and hearts changed. Thanks!

Received: June 25, 2022


Praise God. My back has stopped hurting after people in the church prayed over me Sunday and spoke healing to my body.

Received: June 15, 2022


Thank you for your prayers. I have been working smarter and am able to spend more time with my family. I am thriving at work and home. Thank you!

Received: June 15, 2022


Glory to God we are HAVING A BABY!! Good has answered our prayers.

Please pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Thank you:)

Received: April 21, 2022

Lori Keever

I had requested prayers last summer for a very dear childhood friend. She had breast cancer in both breasts and had a double mastectomy. I'm so happy to to let ya'll know she has finished all her treatment and is now cancer free!! Thank you all for you prayers. I sent her screen shots at the number of prayers from Kingsland Pray sight and she was so touched and felt so blessed.

God is so good!!!

Received: April 4, 2022


My daughter,Kayla, got accepted at TWU nursing program today which was her 1st choice! Please pray for her while she continues her journey to get her BSN and she continues to be a great role model for her younger sister and brothers.

Thank you so much!

Received: March 25, 2022

Brittney Sandbrook

Update: I passed my exam! Thank y'all for the prayers.

My daughter's eye is looking straighter and my son wants to go to church camp.

Received: March 19, 2022


I would like to thank everyone for your prayers for my friend Jeff Hohnholt, who was diagnosed with cancer. Jeff had surgery and right now he is cancer free. Hallelujah!!! God bless all of the prayer warriors!

Received: March 12, 2022

Gazala Bownds

Thank you all for praying for my post surgery to heal. I am feeling so much better! I had a visit with doctor last week and she said I am healing well. Please continue to pray for complete healing.

Thank you so much!

Received: March 7, 2022

Cathy McGann

Bob & I would like to thank the prayer team as Bob is showing improvement from the hand tremors & is able to use the hands better.We thank you all & God for helping us with this situation

Received: February 17, 2022

Katie popplewell

Update on friends and family with COVID:

All have recovered and doing very well. THANK YOU.

Received: February 7, 2022

Katie Popplewell

Update on my brother Tim:

So much improvement-pain is much less and he is actually going to basketball games and has a trip planned (flying). Thank you so so much for your prayers as he is aware of your faithfulness and this has definitely drawn him closer to Jesus.

Appreciate you prayer warriors more than I could ever express.

Received: February 7, 2022

Gazala Bownds

To everyone who took time to pray for me, THANK YOU! God is good and God is faithful! My doctor called me tonight and told me that what was removed is Benign! Praise God!

Received: February 1, 2022

Laura crosby

Thank you for prayers for my granddaughter, Kaitlyn, her injuries from a fall on the job , resulted in her being in ICU for 6 days, but was released today,and is home with her parents to rest and should be about a four week period for her broken rib and lacerated liver to heal!

Received: January 28, 2022

Gazala Bownds

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Your prayers were felt! Praise God the surgery went great! Doctor’s words! Biopsy was obtained without any trouble! I loved the email alerts… Someone prayed for you. They came at the right time! God is good God is faithful!

Received: January 26, 2022

This prayer has been answered!

Marsha Horton

This is an update from a previous prayer request I had written.

I have had an additional CT scan this week and saw my dr today. He is not seeing anything suspicious but will order another scan in 2-3 months.

I am thankful for the thoughts and prayers of my Kingsland prayer warriors. I give all the praise and glory to God.

Thank you,

Marsha Horton

Received: January 24, 2022

Patti Calhoun

Hello Prayer Warriors! I just wanted to let you know that our prayers for my sister-in-law Tammie were answered! To recap, she has brain cancer and needs chemotherapy and radiation in order to make a full recovery. The new MRI showed that the cancer had not grown too far into her brain for radiation, so she will be able to take both treatments. Praise the Lord!

Tammie could still use your prayers, though. Even with the chemo and radiation, she still has only a 20% chance of recovery, as well as a 25% chance of stroke during treatment.

Thanks from the bottom of our hearts to all the hard-working prayer warriors who prayed for Tammie over the past couple of weeks. I contacted 128 churches across the US for prayer & the response has been truly humbling.

Tammie is a Christian & loves the Lord! She sends her heartfelt thanks to all!

Received: January 24, 2022

Frances Perkins

Praise God and all of the mighty prayer warriors of Kingsland who responded for my request for prayer for the day of my father's burial. God granted us favor with the weather conditions, travel mercies, and a peace that can come only from the Holy Spirit. My heart is full as I extend thanks and appreciation to those who lifted me up in prayer. May God bless you all!

Received: January 23, 2022


My RV neighbor R. Read NIV VERSION Bible with me on the Cell App every day. The Lord cause him to believe in him and he ask him into him as he walk through it.

Received: January 16, 2022

Katie Popplewell

Thank you for praying for Karen, Fred, Gail, and Mike all who have recovered from COVID.


Received: January 11, 2022


I thank you for restoring health unto me. I thank you for restoring my body to Your divine blueprint. I thank you that every abnormal cell, organ and system is now being reset. My mind is at ease and peaceful, my heart is open, light and joyful. My body is healed. Restored and renewed. In Jesus's name.

Received: January 9, 2022


Praise report:

In November I submitted a prayer request for Karen, a sister in Christ & friend . She was having heart testing & an angiogram done . She is so much better. Thank you for praying !!

Received: December 25, 2021


My prayer about needing transportation has been answered! My old, older car was able to be repaired at a very low cost. Thank you so very much for your diligent prayers. It is very encouraging to see the emails to let me know you are praying for me️.

Received: December 23, 2021

Gil Gray

One week ago, today, I completed treatment 44 out of 44 even though I am still on chemo pills, I believe I am healed. The official medical response will come in late February but I am believing NOW. Thanks

Received: December 21, 2021


I am working in a Christian ministry that does work globally. I have just shared a significant portion of all my testimony to all the employees about how I started as a low-functioning autistic, and worked extremely hard to overcome it, and by the grace of God and the sacrifice of my parents am now very high-functioning. But there are still a lot of mental problems and emotional wounds. The Lord has shown me my journey upward in this ministry, and I believe, with the reason the Lord has me there, it is worth it. Thank you.

Received: December 17, 2021

Martha Barbier

Thank you to all who have lifted me up in prayer. I am 4 weeks postop from my left knee replacement and all is going well. My surgery went well and my recovery is going well as well. I appreciate all the prayers as I know God is in control! Praises to our Lord for healing and success with my surgery!

Received: December 16, 2021

Gil Gray

As of today, I have completed 40 out of 44 treatments. The Oncologist acknowledged that my PSA count has dropped from 40.0 to 2.8. The Radiologist said today was my last official visit with him, there will be a follow up I'm March.

Again, thanks.

Received: December 8, 2021

This prayer has been answered!

Nancy Wilbanks

My sister, Linda Brake, had a fall several weeks ago and split her leg open. It was bad enough that the doctor thought she might need a skin graft. Her healing has been slow, but it was not necessary to do a skin graft. I want to thank the prayer warriors that lifted her up before the Lord. Thank you Father for your healing.

Received: December 4, 2021

Gil Gray

My mind was blown this morning; I went in for treatment #36 after a non sleep night (due to both hips hurting where the beam is directed)  and I saw Max. Max finished his prostate treatment 2 weeks ago, we struck up a great friendship talking about our Savior (as it turned out, he is a member of River Bend BC, a Kingsland daughter church) so we have a kindred spirit. But when I saw him this morning, my thought went to failed treatments ( he did 28, I am doing 44) but it turned out that he drove in from Westin Lakes to talk with me. Wow, that blew my mind. We talked until it was time to get into the blocks and then he drove home.  The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Received: December 3, 2021

This prayer has been answered!


Pray for Gabriela. Pray for God to help Gabriela to know His love in a deep way and to experience freedom in her life. Pray she will know and walk in the truth of her identity in Christ.

Received: October 14, 2021

This prayer has been answered!


I would like to request a prayer for my mother, she was recently diagnosed cancer and will have a surgery and radiation/chemo treatment soon. Please pray for her health, recovery, and mental strength to overcome it.

Received: September 5, 2021

This prayer has been answered!


Lord I ask that You would give me the strength that I need to carry out my job and to do it to the very best of my ability. I ask Lord that You would give me the knowledge that I need to care for my patient to the very best of my ability. I ask Lord that You would use me to bring honor and glory to You and to Your kingdom. Father allow me to bless others and for me to also be blessed. I ask all of these things in Your mighty and most holy name. Amen

Received: August 22, 2021

This prayer has been answered!

Kristi Altman

My husband, Brian, hurt his back a couple of weeks ago and it has now become debilitating. He had an X-ray and now MRI, we are waiting for MRI results. Please pray for decrease in pain, for complete and total healing and encouraging news from MRI report. Thank you, trusting Him always.

Received: August 1, 2021

This prayer has been answered!

Beth Cummings

Praise God!!! brother Clayton who we have been praying for has recently reached out to me with a beautiful hand written testimony of God healing his mind of the past traumatic things he witnessed. Thank you for praying!

Received: July 28, 2021

This prayer has been answered!

Tim Lang

I have sustained a fractured left ankle. We are hoping for surgery tomorrow. Prayers also for my wife Debbie as she has to deal with this and take on more responsibilities.

Received: July 25, 2021

This prayer has been answered!

Pastor Nelson

Please pray for our dear national partner and leader of the Safwa missionary team, Pastor Nelson. He is extremely sick, and has been hospitalized in a local health center. He is receiving treatment for both malaria and Covid, and is receiving oxygen support. Please pray for healing for this dear brother in Christ.

Received: July 22, 2021

This prayer has been answered!


Prayers for my brother Clayton. He is very close to retirement and should have probably stopped before now. He’s a firefighter/EMT.. He’s having a hard time and has been suicidal before. He has 3 beautiful kids and a wife. He has severe PTSD. Prayers he can seek help again and heal from this past weeks events. That he can move forward with his life and lean into God for help.

Received: July 10, 2021

This prayer has been answered!


My sweet Momma had a polyp removed today during her procedure, prayer for the biopsy to come back clear. She is a Mom who pours out and gives so much love. Please join me in lifting her up to her Father for protection, peace, and comfort.

Received: June 8, 2021

This prayer has been answered!


Pray for my daughter (Amy) and her salvation. Also pray for her to get a job and that she would put her trust in God and His provision for her life.

Received: May 18, 2021

This prayer has been answered!


My sister, Debbie, is a widow and lives in southern Illinois. Her daughter, Nichelle (47yrs old), who has Down Syndrome, recently underwent her second back surgery trying to regain some mobility which has deteriorated significantly over the past couple of years. There have been major challenges in Nichelle's post op care, from ICU to rehab hospital and now she's at home with my sister. Nichelle is trying to get out of bed in the middle of the night and falling, and it's very hard for my sister to pick her up. They are in a small town with very limited options for help and care. My sister who has been an amazing advocate and loving mom for my niece is now faced with some very tough decisions. Please pray for my niece to be strengthened to walk again, and if not, pray for peace for my sister as she decides how to best care for Nichelle at this stage of her life. Thank you so much!

Received: May 17, 2021

This prayer has been answered!


Please pray for me colonoscopy and upper GI procedure to go well and for favorable results.

Received: May 1, 2021

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